Thursday, March 9, 2017


Businesses liked by Provence Decor:

My target market consists of Interior designers (or any other profession related to Home Decoration) and customers (mostly women - 35 and older) with good financial situation who have interest and means to redecorate their homes with high end European products. 

1- Crudo by Pascal Lorange (
2- Fabrison's French Creperie and Cafe (

The other businesses are either Interior Design Companies, Interior Design Magazines and Interior Design Blogs.
3- Interior Design Ideas for Home Decor
4- Interior Design Magazine
5- Diane Designs and Associates
6- Hooked on Houses Blog
7- Sherry Anne Interiors

Learning how to use other business Facebook Pages to promote your own is a great marketing strategy.

I believe all those companies I chose to "like", either have customers that might be interested in our products or the company itself might be interested in our products to offer their customers when they decorate their homes. Liking these companies will expose my business to their followers and by engaging on their posts as Provence Decor, I might get some connections as well. 

"Feature Likes" allows me to select the companies I want to show being connected to and also allows me to hide the ones I want to be connected for strategic reasons but don't want my competitors to know about. 

1 comment:

  1. I agree that other business Facebook profiles can help you grow and learn so much for your own business page! I use this marketing strategy at my work with our competitors! What are they doing we are not? Or what have they yet to do that we should be doing? I look for these plus other resources to help improve our page as well! However, just recently we partnered with a company who will now manage our social media platforms like Google, Yelp, Facebook, and Twitter! So, in this case I can follow, learn, grow by their example!
